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Goshindo has the aim of acquiring the full and perfect capacity for self-defense from any danger, through the achievement of optimal physical and mental conditions by the individual. Three fundamental objectives are pursued through specific and constant training, which form the primary basis of self-defense:


  1. Danger prediction

  2. Ability to escape aggression while avoiding danger

  3. Ability to defend oneself effectively from danger under any circumstances


It should be kept in mind that, every time a fight, a struggle is engaged, only two possibilities can occur, one in which one wins and one in which one loses.


Moreover, considering that, sometimes, with defeat one risks losing one's life, Goshindo above all teaches not to lose, through two fundamental subjective choices of each individual, namely:


  1. Avoiding confrontation, struggle, combat

  2. By intervening, only and exclusively, when there is an absolute and irrefutable necessity


To achieve so much, the Goshindo is concerned with forming the practitioner, through an inner serenity that allows him to appropriately evaluate the alternatives that present themselves, in any case preserving themselves from danger and contributing, through physical exercise, to keeping well away the most important danger: disease.

Goshindo is therefore understood as a demonstration of a healthy, serene and altruistic life.




1) Danger prediction


To defend oneself from danger it is first of all necessary to be aware of it, feel it, know it and, consequently, be able to prevent it. Therefore, it is essential to maintain control of oneself and one's reactions, sometimes unexpected because they are generated at an unconscious level, even in the most extreme and desperate situations. From all this it follows that we must know ourselves, be aware of our limits and our possibilities of reaction, both in acting and in not acting. Through the study of one's body, one's mind and one's sensations one can achieve that psycho-physical well-being, that inner tranquility that allows us to face any kind of adversity and overcome it. Knowing yourself ultimately means knowing your opponent and being able to defeat him.


2) Strategy-Tactics


As already mentioned, the defense from danger, which Goshindo aims for, is independent of defense understood as a physical confrontation with the opponent, as the fight can even be considered as a last choice. Even when the danger becomes objectively and subjectively unstoppable, Goshindo teaches that it is good to even try to escape, making use of a strategic plan to implement it. Goshindo, therefore, makes use of all strategic and tactical means both in the case that one chooses the alternative of escape, or that one is forced to accept combat with the opponent. However, it should be noted that Goshindo does not teach cowards: the flight of one who is afraid because he does not know how to defend himself is quite different from that of one who, with a perfect knowledge of the means of defense, chooses it as most suitable and appropriate solution for the protection of himself or of others from any damage resulting from the fight.


3) Reactions and timing


Both strategy and technique, used to avoid confrontation, must also be of help if, as a last resort, one is forced to defend oneself not with flight but with combat. Obviously excluding the case of the surprise attack, it is with the strategy that one must provoke a reaction in the adversary to induce him to express his intentions, if ever they were not clear from the start.

first instant, and thus be able to neutralize every move, every displacement, every attack with a reaction that foresees the most appropriate technique and a precise choice of timing.

Indeed, it is with the choice of timing that a good technique becomes extremely effective against an opponent and effectiveness depends exclusively on the way in which one manages to be timely. Effectiveness and timeliness in turn depend on how well it is possible to guess the opponent's intentions in advance. As in the beginning therefore the ability to foresee the danger had to serve to avoid it, in the event of a fight it must aim to anticipate each adversary's action allowing to apply the most suitable tactic to face it.

Tactics therefore understood as a rational program of combat for the best use of the technique according to one's own abilities, those of the adversary and the circumstances of combat, represents the individual psychic expression which, as opposed to the physical one represented by the technique, integrates to it to achieve the maximum result. These essential qualities are solicited and developed with the practice of Goshindo.


4) Technique


The ability to sense danger, strategy and tactics must first of all serve to avoid the fight and then be used to properly engage in confrontation. Technique, on the other hand, only provides the means to defend oneself, in the event that the struggle becomes inevitable. It will be then that technique and timing will be decisive for victory. To achieve this, one must always aim for a higher level of preparation: if the adversary attacks, the reaction must be immediate, the technique must be appropriate and applied with greater force than the adversary, the tactic must always aim to obtain the least possible damage in the fight. If it is true, however, that the Goshindo technique serves to defend oneself when the fight is now inevitable, it is also true that by aiming to raise one's level of preparation to the maximum, one acquires that inner tranquility and that self-confidence which, together with the ability to feel danger, to act with strategy or tactics or to react with perfect timing, combine to provide the self-control essential to face any danger. Finally, the awareness of the abilities achieved favors the practitioner the psychic balance and the serenity of spirit necessary to win without fighting any confrontation. This concept represents the ultimate goal of Goshindo.




In Goshindo, as originally in any form of struggle, the techniques of attack and defense, as well as the actual combat strategy, have been drawn from careful observation of the behavior of the animals. In fact, no one has ever taught them how to face danger, yet they, by imitation of their own kind and by their self-preservation instinct, know how to defend themselves and win in their daily struggle for survival. Man, an attentive observer, was able to learn from nature the ways that would allow him to fight, adapting the movements used by animals to his own physical and environmental needs. In Goshindo the naturalness and spontaneity of the techniques are particularly marked and evident and, even in their simplicity, they maintain their primary function of defense unchanged by rigorously respecting the effectiveness and essentiality of each movement. In fact, Goshindo teaches how to strike with the hands and feet and to defend oneself adequately using different positions and movements in the most rational and scientific way (both from a physiological and practical point of view) providing the practitioner with one of the most complete physical disciplines through the study systematic of the fundamental techniques. The same fundamental techniques of blocking or attacking are trained dynamically through the in-depth study of the kata and their practical application, against one or more opponents, in different combat situations. Finally, the study and application of all the techniques of combat, attack and defence, grip and joint locks, as well as projection and defense against armed attack, give the practitioner one of the most suitable means of self-defense sufficient to face any type of aggression with awareness.


Thoughts of Master Hiroshi Shirai on the "WAY OF THE GOSHIN"


It is important to always keep the fighting spirit alive. It is not enough to practice the technique.

One must always have the attitude of one who is ready to fight. This is because danger is always lurking, whether it's a natural disaster or a simple illness or an accident.

Even the negative behavior of someone close to us can become a cause of danger.

Don't be inattentive to potential danger.

In the case of distraction and inattention to a danger, one already starts at a disadvantage because it is as if one had given up a priori on organizing a defense or reaction.

An attitude of inattention towards danger does not allow the activation of the internal energy (KI) that each of us possesses.

In this case, if the danger takes shape and grows, it is not attributable to fate or chance, but we could argue that it was fueled by ourselves.

It is also important to learn from accidents that happen to others, you shouldn't think "it will never happen to me", because if it happened to others it could happen to us too.


This thought must accompany us to always be attentive.



KYO is the Japanese term for a state of physical and mental "imbalance". If danger, an accident or an attack finds us in a state of kyo this can become fatal. Even a medium force blow can cause severe trauma if the recipient is in a state of kyo.


MASAKA in Japanese means "impossible" thinking masaka is like saying "what I see, what happened and what can happen will not happen to me". This attitude can generate in us an excess of confidence in our abilities and transform us from "prepared" into "inexperienced".

When it comes to Goshin (self-defense) the use of the mind is important. Training the body through the practice of the technique is not enough. Understanding the danger and anticipating it allows you to neutralize the danger, for example by eliminating the cause before the effect can be produced (Deai). Understanding the danger and anticipating it allows you to avoid the danger, for example by escaping the dangerous situation even with the "Kawashi" escape (dodging). You must not get to use kick and punch, or to use the technique, you must instead continue to train the mind as indicated above. Goshin, as a modern self-defense, is this. Living with this attitude is Goshin's Way (Goshindo) When we are in a very high state of peace, tranquility, happiness, this can cause a condition of great kyo and become a moment of danger. It is precisely in such situations that one must increase one's attitude of Goshin.


MAEMUKI is of a man who lives "looking ahead" who goes straight towards his direction with determination. This man knows that to continue in that direction he will often have to give up on something else, make sacrifices and will have to keep fighting. This man when he is in a difficult condition does not cheat, he fights seriously and continues on his way. This man is appreciated by those who look at him because he has a strong character and has the spirit to stand up for himself. This strong spirit instills confidence even in the weakest. Therefore this man in addition to defending himself also defends those close to him. There are men and women who know how to make the most of their characteristics: for those who are strong and make the most of their intelligence, knowledge of form and technique is not important. Indeed this is the ability to apply one's nature and give one's best: this is Goshin. From when you wake up in the morning, until you go to rest at night, you can often find yourself in a condition of even mortal danger. The ability to recognize these situations and know how many

times they showed up is Goshin's first step. Absolutely do not forget this thing! One must develop one's ability to learn from what is negative happening around us, studying the best solution that we could apply if we find ourselves personally involved in a similar situation.


When you find yourself in situations of deep displeasure, as well as in fatigue and anger, the real secret is not to let others see this state of mind and smile. Having this strength of spirit "Fudoshin" allows you to keep this behavior. This is also Goshin "Nareai" is habit. Repeating an action many times until you reach a habitual behavior can lead to a state of kyo. Equally dangerous can arise in the opposite case, in which the lack of knowledge of that potential danger leads to superficial behaviour. That's why in both cases you need to use your mind, being very careful to remember your limits.


There is always an optimal position.


It is important to be able to recognize where unfavorable positions can be created and where instead there are positions with less danger. This is a situation that should never be underestimated.

Finally, Goshin is knowing how to recognize "what must be defended". What is the value or person or idea that you

he has to defend at that precise moment. With this attitude whoever practices Goshindo faces with

love and loyalty the confrontation with the companions in the Dojo and with everyone in daily life.

Goshin is awareness of knowing others and himself. Knowing at all times “what to do and how

do it”, even in the presence of great difficulties.


In summary. Physical Activation and Mental Energy lead to Equilibrium which allows us to predict the

danger, deciding the strategy and the consequent tactics of action. Avoid KYO situations and choose the

best location. Follow your own path with strength of spirit, recognizing the values for which you owe

fight. This is GOSHINDO!




  1. Physical benefits


In practicing GOSHINDO  we will benefit from a "form" of physical education, of oriental origin which harmoniously involves all parts of the body and the growth of inner balance, therefore psychophysical, in a scientific and rational way. The multiple health benefits entitle you to have no age or gender or diversity limits for lawnscarlo.


The psychomotricity exercised tends to combine the ability to contract adequate muscles and to relax others continuously, while stationary and in movement, strengthening the muscles and developing their lengthening, tendon and cartilaginous strengthening, maximizing our motor skills.


The aerobic/anaerobic work that are carried out during the lessons in perfect coordination with breathing and its versatility allow for a harmonious development and improvement of the individual's body, improving their Conditional abilities such as Strength, Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, Elasticity, Posture, developing Balance, Strength of various types, Reactivity, Explosiveness, Agility and motor coordination.


Migliora il Trofismo e Potenziamento muscolare di tutto il corpo umano, il quale permette di migliorare la Postura, il Metabolismo permettendo di Bruciare più calorie a riposo e di essere più in forma.


It strengthens the body in all its parts involving muscles that are difficult to train, the whole bone, joint and tendon structure, and improves the cardiovascular system. It teaches and perfects natural diaphragmatic breathing, which in addition to obtaining benefits for the internal and physical organs, learns how to control them.

Develop Sense Perceptual skills, i.e. the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell) that allow us to relate to what surrounds us.

All the Goshindo exercises must be performed to perfection as they are in harmony with the science that studies the correct movements of the human body both in static and moving conditions, therefore they will naturally correct all our daily movements affecting the general well-being .


Moreover, by constantly practicing Goshindo we will have greater control of body weight, as the particular method and form of work allows us to consume about 700/800 Kcal in one hour of training, developing a harmonious and outlined body. Great concentration on exercises, wealth that remains as a personal asset, which can also be spent in other life situations.



  1. Mental benefits


Through practice it allows you to Download repressed and therefore Negative Energies.


Promotes socialization, teaches respect for rules and discipline.


It significantly reduces states of Anxiety and Stress, Hostility, Extremely Nevritic, Depression, Aggression.


Increases self-confidence, self-esteem, optimism, determination, dexterity, positivity, self-control, knowledge and self-confidence, tolerability, helps to overcome fears of contact, development of the sense of collaboration, mental focus, attention, concentration, decision-making power, tenacity , Scholastic or Work Performance: Orients towards the achievement of Objectives, Respect for oneself and for Others, Awareness of One's Limits and Potential, Inner Growth, Balance of one's personality, Development of Cognitive Abilities.


In summary, the Great concentration on exercises, wealth that remains as a personal asset, which can also be spent in other situations in life!

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